All that exists in heavens and the earth extols Allaah-SWT both tacitly through their disposition as well as verbally in their own language. This indeed is the very cause of existence, for whenever anything ceases to extol Him-SWT it passes away, save the sentient creation given the discretion to choose between obedience and denial until a certain time. Allaah-SWT is Mighty and Dominant over everything under all circumstances. It is by His-SWT Wisdom that He-SWT has dished out unique qualities to different things to ensure functioning of the Universal System. He-SWT gives life and enforces death, being Potent over everything. He-SWT is the Only One, the First; Who-SWT created everything and existed when there was nothing else. Every creation is vulnerable and Qayamah shall destroy everything or what He-SWT wants to preserve like Jannah and the Hell together with their dwellers. Those are permanent only by His-SWT Will and not by themselves. He-SWT is personally eternal, free from any concept of extinction He-SWT is the Last, the Everlasting and the Most Excelling in His-SWT Manifestation. And His-SWT Wisdom and His-SWT Potency is evident from every speck of His-SWT creation. He-SWT is Subtle and Hidden with regards to the nature of His-SWT Being, and is beyond the access of intellect and imagination. He-SWT is Aware of every creation in every sense of the word and nothing is concealed from Him-SWT .
Sublimity of the Ayah
The Holy Prophet-SW used to recite these five Surahs, al Hadid, Hashr, Saff, Jum'ah and Taghabun termed as Musabihat (the Glorifying) regularly before retiring to bed. He is reported to have said that this Ayah outweighs the rest. According to Ibn 'Abbas-RAU, its slow recitation is an antidote against Satanic whispers. Those blessed with its meditation indeed enjoy His-SWT favour and must combat Satanic whispers, for it is the fort of Divine Protection.
So Powerful is He-SWT that He-SWT created heavens and the earth by His-SWT Absolute Omnipotence and Wisdom in six days and perfected everything in them. Then He-SWT established Himself-SWT on the 'Arsh, the elegant Throne that only befits His-SWT Magnificence. His-SWT Knowledge encompasses everything that enters the soil, be it a drop of water or a seed or the effects of temperature, and all that comes forth from it. Every speck, each atom or anything even smaller is in His-SWT view. Whatever descends from the heavens, for instance, the angels or the Commandments, and whatever ascends to them, such as the deeds of mankind, is known to Him-SWT . He-SWT is Aware of each and every condition of the people. In short, wherever people maybe and in whatever circumstances, He-SWT is with them.
The reality of tins Divine Presence is beyond the access of human knowledge but it is surely there. As such He-SWT oversees all human actions. His-SWT Dominance prevails all over and He-SWT is indeed the true Sovereign of the universe. All affairs whether spiritual or material revert to His-SWT Court. He-SWT drives the night into the day and vice versa. In other words, the cycle of days and nights, the variation in seasons and their role in preserving life on earth are all manifestations of His-SWT Omnipotence He-SWT is Aware of even the thoughts that cross our mind.
O' People! Believe in Allaah-SWT and acknowledge His-SWT True Messenger-SW. There is sufficient reason for embracing Islam while the most exalted Messenger-SW is also among you. And spend in His-SWT Cause from your wealth, which was handed down to you as legacy and shall be passed on to some one else after you pass away. Then why disobey Him-SWT for the love of wealth or acquire it through illegal means or withhold it from His-SWT Cause? Those who believe and spend their wealth, energies and efforts in His-SWT Cause are promised tall rewards. So why don't you become believers? There could be only two reasons: firstly the darkness of ignorance and secondly that there is no one to show the way. Allaah-SWT has taken care of both in the form of His-SWT true Messenger-SW who is calling you towards Him-SWT , a call supported by miracles and evidences as clear as broad daylight. And a covenant was taken from all of you in eternity when you confessed to His Providence; which is now the integral part of your nature. And if you claim to be the People of the Book, you must realize that your own Books ask you to take a pledge to believe in the last Messenger-SW upon his raising. So you have no excuse for the denial. It is Allah-SWT , the Munificent, Who-SWT reveals manifest Ayat to His-SWT beloved Messenger-SW to usher you from darkness into the light.
The Office of Prophethood and the Barakah of a Shaikh
The office of Prophethood is to guide mankind by teaching the Quran. No one can understand the Quran by relying only on the dictionary and knowledge of the Arabic language. It is through the Holy Prophet-SW's interpretation that one can understand it. And the Barakah of believing in him is that ones precepts and practices move from darkness to light, from error to correction. These very Barakah are received through a Shaikh. The end results of interaction between a Shaikh and a seeker is the reversion of the latter from sinful life
It is a great favour that Allah-SWT, the Merciful, sent His-SWT Messenger-SW to guide the wayward. If you have a craze for wealth and are afraid to spend it in His-SWT Cause once you embrace Islam or that you will not be able to gather more through unlawful means, do reflect that it will not be yours forever. As soon as you die it will pass on to others. In fact all that exists in the universe belongs to Allaah-SWT as eventually everyone will have to forego it and die. Remember that actions vary in their weightage commensurate to the devotion and sincerity behind them. For instance, those who supported the Holy Prophet-SW before the Conquest of Makkah and placed all their resources at his disposal, their actions carry maximum weight.
Greatness of the Companions-RAU
This is because pronouncing faith prior to this Conquest was perilous. It was like playing with death, for there were no visible chances of victory. Human nature always having an eye on resources keeps one away from any movement not likely to succeed, save those seeking the manifest Truth. This was the situation during the Makkan period. Thereafter an Islamic State had emerged and those who entered the fold of Islam then, though also enjoy a very high status, yet cannot match those who spent in Allah-SWT's Cause and sacrificed their lives in Jihad prior to the Conquest. However, Allaah-SWT promises eternal salvation to all who believed in His-SWT Prophet-SW and fought for upholding the Din revealed to him, of course, the Companions-RAU taking the lead. On this basis, Ahl-e-Sunnah believe that all the Companions-RAU were men of integrity and justice.
Allah-SWT's declaration in the Quran that He-SWT is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him-SWT is a living testimony to their eternal bliss, while others shall know their fate only on the Day of Judgement. And if as a human being anyone of them ever erred, of which there are very few instances in a group of one hundred and fifty thousand, he repented. Again their repentance was exemplary; some of them tied themselves down to the pillars in the Holy Prophet-SW’s masjid, until acceptance was revealed. On one occasion, one of them chose to be stoned to death in expiation. This was also a way of educating the Ummah that whereas the Ahadith warn about the punishments in Barzakh over different lapses, they preferred to be cleansed in this very life through repentance. Such determined faith and trust is indeed rare. Therefore, it is not proper to sit on judgement over their mutual disputations, nor is it appropriate to accuse anyone of them. The criteria of their greatness are the Quran and the Ahadith, and not the history. Those who point a finger at them with reference to it have indeed erred, as history is based on human reports which may be tainted with exaggerations and misgivings. On the other hand, their greatness is proved through revelation and Allaah-SWT is indeed Vigilant over all actions of mankind.